Saturday, April 28, 2007

Blackhawk Down

Time-line of Blackhawk down:

November 3, 1992 Presidential Elections. Bill Clinton is elected President.

December 8, 1992 President Bush sent troops to Somalia to feed hungry Africans. The name of the mission was Operation Restore Hope

January 20, 1993- Bill Clinton sworn in as Commander in Chief, President of the United States of America.

May 1993, the UN officially took over, The objective of UNOSOM – II was to initiate nation building in Somalia. Bill Clinton ordered the number of U.S. troops in Somalia reduced, to be replaced by U.N. troops.

June 1993, only 1200 U.S. troops remained in Somalia

June 5, 1993 24 Pakistani soldiers were ambushed and killed

August 8, 1993 Four U.S. military police were killed when a land mine was remote-detonated by Somalis. Two weeks later, six more U.S. soldiers were wounded. It was at this point that Task Force Ranger was deployed to Somalia.

August 29 Task Force Ranger flew into Mogadishu. They were led by General William Garrison and consisted of 440 elite troops from Delta Force. Their mission was to capture General Aidid.

September 1993 The Clinton Administration began a secret plan to negotiate with Aidid. U.S. military commanders within Somalia were not apprised of this. U.S. Defense Secretary Les Aspin denied a request for armored reinforcements made by General Montgomery.

October 3, 1993 Task Force Ranger raided the Olympic Hotel in Mogadishu to search for Aidid. This led to a seventeen-hour battle in which eighteen U.S. soldiers were killed and eighty-four were wounded. Bodies of dead American soldiers were dragged through the streets of Mogadishu, shown on international news reports.

What began as a peacekeeping mission to provide relief to the starving people of Somalia essentially ended with a firefight during the Battle of Mogadishu. All of the U.S. troops were withdrawn in March 1994,

Mid-term elections November 1994. Republicans seize control of both the Senate and the House of Representatives.


jiff in1, comments mean nothing when you don't back them up with facts. AS you can see, I posted the facts for you to read. I realize that it takes time to research the facts. But, a little time can save you from showing the internet community your ignorance.

This comment by jiffin1 is typical of his post. Full of ranting and raving with no truth at all.

jiffin1...Clinton supported GHW Bush's little war he started in Somalia, only to have the new conservative Congress "weenie out" of there. He took us into Bosnia and won that war.

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