Sunday, April 22, 2007

Reply to curlyfester

I agree with you Herodion Romulus, Very well said curlyfester.

curlyfester, I enjoyed reading your thoughts and beliefs. I did sense some angry coming from you as I was reading it. It also shows by the evil face emoticon at the end of your post. I am a little puzzled as to why you would be angry by giving your honest thoughts.

You do admit that the MSM is predominately populated by people of the liberal persuasions. And I agree with you reason as to why they have chosen this as their career. But the problem I have is they are writing their liberal perspective in the story. To me they are being dishonest with the general public that reads their story.

How can our country elect an open government if they are not getting a true sense of the opposition party? My answer is that we can't. Am I angry at this? No, not really, I am just trying to point out things as the way that I see them. I have a very mechanical mind. I can look at a complex machine and usually figure out how it works. I also have the ability to trouble shoot just about anything.

I use this ability that I have in everything that I do. Be working on my car, plumbing around the house, electrical issues, and computers just to name a few. I look at everything as a puzzle and I am hell bent on figuring it out. I build and trouble shoot computers as a hobby. I also play around with writing software, which is really very complex.

I say this not to be bragging. Just to give you an idea of the way my mind works.

You say to conservatives to "get over it" as to the "liberalism" in the news media. I personally don't think that is fair. Since you brought up Rush Limbaugh I will use him as an example. The liberals in the MSM and also liberals in general paint Rush and the people that listen to him as out of touch with the population in general. That may be true and it may not be true. My problem is why would the liberals in the MSM be so threatened by someone who has a different point of view? Why?

I know the reason why.

If liberals were so convinced that their ideas and values are in the main stream of the American people, why don't they wear their liberalism as a badge and be honest about their beliefs?

Myself I am very.....extremely very conservative on fiscal issues. I think that the government spends....wastes too much money lining their pockets and also their family and friends pockets. Government at all levels spend way too much money. It is out of control and eventually it will destroy our country.

On social issues i am somewhat of a moderate liberal.

So which political party represents my political view? Actually neither of the major political parties represent my political view.

curlyfester, you said that you would think twice before letting a liberal manage your banking. How do you feel about letting a liberal manage your tax dollars? It is your money. It is also my money. That is the way I look at government spending. So, if you would not let a liberal manage your banking why let a liberal manage your tax dollars?

In closing, I am sure that curlyfester and I could sit down and have a nice dinner conversation together. We may not agree with each other all of the time and we may never ever agree with each other. But, I am sure that we can have an intelligent conservation with each other. curlyfester, that is not an invitation, just an observation.


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