Sunday, April 22, 2007


jiffin1, ones again you have shown your ignorance. The reason that the democrats have refused to debate on Fox News is because of Bill Clinton. He showed the American people his true personality during an interview with Chris Wallace. Chris is no radical right winger. Clinton's personality is know by all in the media as well as political leaders in the democrat party as well as the republican party.

George Stephanopoulos has mentioned his temper. James Carville and Paul Begala have also mentioned this fact. All three are die hard Bill Clinton lovers.

Which begs the question to be asked. If the news media and political leaders are aware of Bill Clinton's temper tantrums, why isn't the general population aware of this? It appears that those in the media does not want us to know that Bill Clinton has the mentality of a two year old. You would think that a great politician like Bill Clinton would grow out of the terrible twos by now.

jiffin1, you do bring up an interesting topic. It appears that even you are aware that Fox News is the only opposition news agency in the country. What is it, something to like 30 to 1. With Fox News being the only opposition news agency it splits the viewership between the rest of the free press. Free press, not fair press. The constitution does not afford us a fair press, only a free press.

I find it interesting that the Democrat politicians running for the highest office of the land would not go into the lions den for a debate. It kind of makes you wonder what they will be like after getting elected and they have to deal with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Just a thought for you to ponder on.

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