Sunday, April 22, 2007


All right - we're going to put an end to this whole "liberal" media thing right now.

YES - THE MSM IS PREDOMINANTLY POPULATED BY PEOPLE OF LIBERAL PERSUASION. There is a simple reason for this. People who like to write and construct stories are usually "creative" types in the traditional painter/writer/sculptor sense - artists. Having worked myself in fields that get an overwhelming influx of these types (I mean writers, painters, artists, designers, film directors, actors, musicians, etc...) I can safely tell you I know the type. Quite frankly, an unusally high percentage of creative people are also gay. They are all mostly liberals, with a very few conservatives scattered about.

Why is this?

It's because of the nature of a creative person to want to think "outside the box". This is complete anathema to conservatism, which values the idea, in the simplest definition, "let's not change things". I'll throw a bone to the conservadogs and say that there is merit in doing something the way it's always worked... however, you must admit, liberalism frightens you because it seeks to "push the envelope" to a place that you've not been before - and new places scare you. Places that are dark and strange and it makes you want to cling to security blankets like Jesus.

Conservatives do well in fields that deal with hard numbers and set rules(banking, accounting, CEO's, etc). Few conservatives get into the "creative" fields because, quite frankly, it's not your forte - you're just not as good at being an "artist" as your liberal counterpart. I would think twice before letting a liberal manage my banking, and just as quickly doubt a conservative artist. Conservatives just aren't very good in the traditional "arts".

So get over it conservatives - if you don't like the "liberalism" in media, start your own news service that speaks from your point of view... you don't have any constitutional right to "freedom FROM liberalism", and the media (and I mean ALL media - novels, TV, Hollywood, news) doesn't owe one of you a damn thing. Neither do the media have any constitutional mandate to "see it your way, too". And being that the media is supported solely by ad revenue or media product sales, it seems pretty clear that there's a customership for this free enterprise endevour no matter how "liberal" it may lean. At least they're not getting freedom from taxes like their 1st Amendment counter part - religion.

Now - if you want to create a "fairness doctrine" to force more conservative voices into the existing media, then I'm gonna require that we also have a "Fairness Doctrine" applied to other institutions. I'd like to see a more liberal representation in the Church and the Military. So we'll give you Rush Limbaugh the reporter if you'll give us Bill Maher the Pope and Jon Stewart the Sec. of Defense.

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