Sunday, April 22, 2007


repost from last nights debate. I am so proud of this I want everyone to have the chance to read it. It was late last night when I posted and I am sure that most day people were soundly asleep in the bed. This should be a 3 star award in the Tennessean.

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artsy116 accuses me of not listening to other points of view and of having a closed mind. I disagree. artsy116, I am offering a different point of view. One that most on this message board never get the opportunity to hear. I am sure that if I were to change my screen name that I would have more people to admit that they agree with me.

That brings me to defend my screen name again. I made this name to counter the closed minded bigots on this board. artsy116, I am sure that with your so called open mind that you agree with gam and this constant degrading of the Christian faith. I am not a religious person myself, but I am highly offended by his post. Not because of his homosexuality, but because he degrades the faith of people that he disagrees with. I am sure that this make him feel powerful.

I usually do not discuss religious issues. I feel that is a very personal to each and all people. I do not degrade the Christian faith. Nor do I degrade the Jewish faith. I try not to degrade the Islamic faith either, but, it is getting harder to do these days. But I do try.

As far as politics go what I say is protected speech. I try very hard to be accurate in my post. I also try to be informative on the issues. I may come across as being strong about my views. But, this is not something that I came about today. Most of the issues of today are the same as they were 20 years ago. My views have evolved over the years. They would not have changed if I were a closed minded bigot as I have been charged and convicted of here on this board.

I am sure that My views will continue to evolve as I get older. Most people are capable of growing and expanding their minds as we get older. I believe that we become wiser as we get older. By becoming wiser mean does that mean you have a closed mine?

You ask me WWJD? I discuss politics, not religion.

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