Sunday, April 22, 2007

Final Solution

One solution out of all of the liberals that read and post on the

I would like to offer my solution if you don't mind. AS I had stated earlier I was against the war in Iraq for one simple reason. I knew that the Democrat party leadership would turn against the war because George Bush was President and he is a member of the Republican party. Once the Democrat leadership gave the talking points to its member, these robots would parrot word for word the thoughts and ideas of its leaders. I was right. How did I know this is what would happen? It is simple, it is called politics.

The solution will not be an easy task. I would give Iran and Syria one week to pull all of their terrorist organizations out of Iraq and to give peace a chance. At the end of the deadline I pull our troops out of the middle east make Iran and Syria into a solid sheet of glass. I would also pull our troops away from the 38th parallel north and make North Korea into a level barren contaminated wasteland.

I would then put the world on notice that we are a peaceful loving nation. I would add If you want to survive and live peacefully with the United States of America in this world then change your evil ways and bow to me, THE ANTICHRIST.

I am sure that all countries will see things my way if only I had the chance to implement this plan.

These are my thougths and my ideas. I am not a parrot repeating what I should say. I am sure that this is the first time that you have read what needs to be done in order to maintain peace. As for my solution. I have named it fittingly: THE FINAL SOLUTION.

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