Monday, April 30, 2007

My Fellow American

My fellow American, I am writing this in a time of war to express how ashamed I am for the actions of a certain political party in America. The Democratic leadership has divided the American people along party lines. For pure political reasons and for political posturing they have sold their American soul to further their political agenda. The American public deserve better than this.

I can understand for political reasons why the opposition party would take these actions when we are at peace. A time of war is not the time to divide our great nation. Make no mistake about it. America is at war.

In March 1997, Osama Bin Laden “declared jihad against the US government,” because “the US government is unjust, criminal and tyrannical.” I am sure that Bin Laden is proud of the actions taken by the Democratic Party.

On February 26, 1993 - Six Americans were killed in a bombing attempt to destroy the World Trade Centers.

On June 25, 1996 - A truck bomb exploded outside the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. Killing 19 American Soldiers and injuring hundreds of others.

On August 7, 1998 - Two truck-bomb explosions destroyed the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, leaving 224 dead and injuring more than 4,500 people.

On October 12, 2000 - A US Navy guided missile destroyer, The USS Cole was attacked while it was in a Yemeni port. Killing 17 US sailors and injuring 39 US Sailors.

On September 11, 2001 - Two commercial jets were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Another jet was flown into the Pentagon. A forth possibly targeting the White House or the US Capitol crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Over 3000 innocent American citizens died on this day.

As I am sitting comfortably in front of my computer, Osama Bin Laden is plotting his next target. One can only imagine the destruction that can be brought upon the American people by his actions.

Elections are won on partisan political rhetoric. Wars are lost because of partisan political rhetoric. Wars are to be fought on the battlefield. Partisan political rhetoric should never be fought during battle.

People have said that this war cannot be won on the battlefield. They say there has to be a political solution instead. How can we negotiate the outcome of this war with Osama Bin Laden or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Both are key players in this region. Make no misstate, they desire the same outcome as the Democratic Leadership.

As a human being, I view myself first as a loving husband. Next I view myself as a gentle and caring father. Third I view myself as an American. Forth, a Tennessean. And lastly when I have time a member of a political party. I am not associated with the Democratic or the Republican party. I am an independent and will continue to be no matter who has been elected as President of the United States of America.

America is at a crossroad. America finds itself in another war. A war unlike any we have fought in our past. We are in this war not as a conqueror. America is in a war for its survival.

Now is the time for us to put aside our political differences and the political bickering. Now is the time to unite. Unite as one and stand behind the brave American soldier who has been placed on the front lines of this war. If you cannot stand united today for the American Solder, then please, unite for America’s future. A presidential election will be held November of 2008. Your candidate may win that election. At that time, it may be you who is asking the American people to unite behind our president in time of war.

for the war before I was against it.

I'll admit (as I have before on several other boards) - I was for the war until I found out that the president lied to us ... you keep spewing the GoSheeple talking points that American overwhelmingly rejected last November as the lies they are ...


Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Islamic purification ritual, known in Arabic as "wudu," involves a 10-step process, which includes:

1. Praising Allah while washing both hands up to the wrist three times, making sure that the water reaches between fingers and under rings.
2. Rinsing out the mouth thoroughly three times, using the right hand (the one not used for cleaning private parts) to bring the water to the mouth.

3. Snorting water into the nostrils from the right hand, three times, to cleanse them of demons that Muslims believe reside there, clearing the passages of any mucous using the left hand.

4. Washing off the tip of the nose with the left hand.

5. Washing the entire face three times from right ear to left ear.

6. Continuing to wash from forehead to throat.

7. Washing the right arm and then the left arm, three times, from the wrist up to the elbow, removing watches.

8. Moving wetted palms over the head from the top of the forehead to the back of the head.

9. Passing the wetted tips of the fingers into the grooves and holes of both ears, and also passing the wetted thumbs behind the ears and ear lobes.

10. Finally, washing both feet to the ankles starting with the right foot, including between the toes, then reciting: "Ash-hadu an la ilaha illal lahu wa ashhadu anna Muammadan 'abduhu wa rasuluh" – meaning there is no god but Allah and he has no partners, and Muhammad is his servant and messenger.

Blackhawk Down

Time-line of Blackhawk down:

November 3, 1992 Presidential Elections. Bill Clinton is elected President.

December 8, 1992 President Bush sent troops to Somalia to feed hungry Africans. The name of the mission was Operation Restore Hope

January 20, 1993- Bill Clinton sworn in as Commander in Chief, President of the United States of America.

May 1993, the UN officially took over, The objective of UNOSOM – II was to initiate nation building in Somalia. Bill Clinton ordered the number of U.S. troops in Somalia reduced, to be replaced by U.N. troops.

June 1993, only 1200 U.S. troops remained in Somalia

June 5, 1993 24 Pakistani soldiers were ambushed and killed

August 8, 1993 Four U.S. military police were killed when a land mine was remote-detonated by Somalis. Two weeks later, six more U.S. soldiers were wounded. It was at this point that Task Force Ranger was deployed to Somalia.

August 29 Task Force Ranger flew into Mogadishu. They were led by General William Garrison and consisted of 440 elite troops from Delta Force. Their mission was to capture General Aidid.

September 1993 The Clinton Administration began a secret plan to negotiate with Aidid. U.S. military commanders within Somalia were not apprised of this. U.S. Defense Secretary Les Aspin denied a request for armored reinforcements made by General Montgomery.

October 3, 1993 Task Force Ranger raided the Olympic Hotel in Mogadishu to search for Aidid. This led to a seventeen-hour battle in which eighteen U.S. soldiers were killed and eighty-four were wounded. Bodies of dead American soldiers were dragged through the streets of Mogadishu, shown on international news reports.

What began as a peacekeeping mission to provide relief to the starving people of Somalia essentially ended with a firefight during the Battle of Mogadishu. All of the U.S. troops were withdrawn in March 1994,

Mid-term elections November 1994. Republicans seize control of both the Senate and the House of Representatives.


jiff in1, comments mean nothing when you don't back them up with facts. AS you can see, I posted the facts for you to read. I realize that it takes time to research the facts. But, a little time can save you from showing the internet community your ignorance.

This comment by jiffin1 is typical of his post. Full of ranting and raving with no truth at all.

jiffin1...Clinton supported GHW Bush's little war he started in Somalia, only to have the new conservative Congress "weenie out" of there. He took us into Bosnia and won that war.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


jiffin1, ones again you have shown your ignorance. The reason that the democrats have refused to debate on Fox News is because of Bill Clinton. He showed the American people his true personality during an interview with Chris Wallace. Chris is no radical right winger. Clinton's personality is know by all in the media as well as political leaders in the democrat party as well as the republican party.

George Stephanopoulos has mentioned his temper. James Carville and Paul Begala have also mentioned this fact. All three are die hard Bill Clinton lovers.

Which begs the question to be asked. If the news media and political leaders are aware of Bill Clinton's temper tantrums, why isn't the general population aware of this? It appears that those in the media does not want us to know that Bill Clinton has the mentality of a two year old. You would think that a great politician like Bill Clinton would grow out of the terrible twos by now.

jiffin1, you do bring up an interesting topic. It appears that even you are aware that Fox News is the only opposition news agency in the country. What is it, something to like 30 to 1. With Fox News being the only opposition news agency it splits the viewership between the rest of the free press. Free press, not fair press. The constitution does not afford us a fair press, only a free press.

I find it interesting that the Democrat politicians running for the highest office of the land would not go into the lions den for a debate. It kind of makes you wonder what they will be like after getting elected and they have to deal with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Just a thought for you to ponder on.

Final Solution

One solution out of all of the liberals that read and post on the

I would like to offer my solution if you don't mind. AS I had stated earlier I was against the war in Iraq for one simple reason. I knew that the Democrat party leadership would turn against the war because George Bush was President and he is a member of the Republican party. Once the Democrat leadership gave the talking points to its member, these robots would parrot word for word the thoughts and ideas of its leaders. I was right. How did I know this is what would happen? It is simple, it is called politics.

The solution will not be an easy task. I would give Iran and Syria one week to pull all of their terrorist organizations out of Iraq and to give peace a chance. At the end of the deadline I pull our troops out of the middle east make Iran and Syria into a solid sheet of glass. I would also pull our troops away from the 38th parallel north and make North Korea into a level barren contaminated wasteland.

I would then put the world on notice that we are a peaceful loving nation. I would add If you want to survive and live peacefully with the United States of America in this world then change your evil ways and bow to me, THE ANTICHRIST.

I am sure that all countries will see things my way if only I had the chance to implement this plan.

These are my thougths and my ideas. I am not a parrot repeating what I should say. I am sure that this is the first time that you have read what needs to be done in order to maintain peace. As for my solution. I have named it fittingly: THE FINAL SOLUTION.

Reply to curlyfester

I agree with you Herodion Romulus, Very well said curlyfester.

curlyfester, I enjoyed reading your thoughts and beliefs. I did sense some angry coming from you as I was reading it. It also shows by the evil face emoticon at the end of your post. I am a little puzzled as to why you would be angry by giving your honest thoughts.

You do admit that the MSM is predominately populated by people of the liberal persuasions. And I agree with you reason as to why they have chosen this as their career. But the problem I have is they are writing their liberal perspective in the story. To me they are being dishonest with the general public that reads their story.

How can our country elect an open government if they are not getting a true sense of the opposition party? My answer is that we can't. Am I angry at this? No, not really, I am just trying to point out things as the way that I see them. I have a very mechanical mind. I can look at a complex machine and usually figure out how it works. I also have the ability to trouble shoot just about anything.

I use this ability that I have in everything that I do. Be working on my car, plumbing around the house, electrical issues, and computers just to name a few. I look at everything as a puzzle and I am hell bent on figuring it out. I build and trouble shoot computers as a hobby. I also play around with writing software, which is really very complex.

I say this not to be bragging. Just to give you an idea of the way my mind works.

You say to conservatives to "get over it" as to the "liberalism" in the news media. I personally don't think that is fair. Since you brought up Rush Limbaugh I will use him as an example. The liberals in the MSM and also liberals in general paint Rush and the people that listen to him as out of touch with the population in general. That may be true and it may not be true. My problem is why would the liberals in the MSM be so threatened by someone who has a different point of view? Why?

I know the reason why.

If liberals were so convinced that their ideas and values are in the main stream of the American people, why don't they wear their liberalism as a badge and be honest about their beliefs?

Myself I am very.....extremely very conservative on fiscal issues. I think that the government spends....wastes too much money lining their pockets and also their family and friends pockets. Government at all levels spend way too much money. It is out of control and eventually it will destroy our country.

On social issues i am somewhat of a moderate liberal.

So which political party represents my political view? Actually neither of the major political parties represent my political view.

curlyfester, you said that you would think twice before letting a liberal manage your banking. How do you feel about letting a liberal manage your tax dollars? It is your money. It is also my money. That is the way I look at government spending. So, if you would not let a liberal manage your banking why let a liberal manage your tax dollars?

In closing, I am sure that curlyfester and I could sit down and have a nice dinner conversation together. We may not agree with each other all of the time and we may never ever agree with each other. But, I am sure that we can have an intelligent conservation with each other. curlyfester, that is not an invitation, just an observation.



All right - we're going to put an end to this whole "liberal" media thing right now.

YES - THE MSM IS PREDOMINANTLY POPULATED BY PEOPLE OF LIBERAL PERSUASION. There is a simple reason for this. People who like to write and construct stories are usually "creative" types in the traditional painter/writer/sculptor sense - artists. Having worked myself in fields that get an overwhelming influx of these types (I mean writers, painters, artists, designers, film directors, actors, musicians, etc...) I can safely tell you I know the type. Quite frankly, an unusally high percentage of creative people are also gay. They are all mostly liberals, with a very few conservatives scattered about.

Why is this?

It's because of the nature of a creative person to want to think "outside the box". This is complete anathema to conservatism, which values the idea, in the simplest definition, "let's not change things". I'll throw a bone to the conservadogs and say that there is merit in doing something the way it's always worked... however, you must admit, liberalism frightens you because it seeks to "push the envelope" to a place that you've not been before - and new places scare you. Places that are dark and strange and it makes you want to cling to security blankets like Jesus.

Conservatives do well in fields that deal with hard numbers and set rules(banking, accounting, CEO's, etc). Few conservatives get into the "creative" fields because, quite frankly, it's not your forte - you're just not as good at being an "artist" as your liberal counterpart. I would think twice before letting a liberal manage my banking, and just as quickly doubt a conservative artist. Conservatives just aren't very good in the traditional "arts".

So get over it conservatives - if you don't like the "liberalism" in media, start your own news service that speaks from your point of view... you don't have any constitutional right to "freedom FROM liberalism", and the media (and I mean ALL media - novels, TV, Hollywood, news) doesn't owe one of you a damn thing. Neither do the media have any constitutional mandate to "see it your way, too". And being that the media is supported solely by ad revenue or media product sales, it seems pretty clear that there's a customership for this free enterprise endevour no matter how "liberal" it may lean. At least they're not getting freedom from taxes like their 1st Amendment counter part - religion.

Now - if you want to create a "fairness doctrine" to force more conservative voices into the existing media, then I'm gonna require that we also have a "Fairness Doctrine" applied to other institutions. I'd like to see a more liberal representation in the Church and the Military. So we'll give you Rush Limbaugh the reporter if you'll give us Bill Maher the Pope and Jon Stewart the Sec. of Defense.


repost from last nights debate. I am so proud of this I want everyone to have the chance to read it. It was late last night when I posted and I am sure that most day people were soundly asleep in the bed. This should be a 3 star award in the Tennessean.

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artsy116 accuses me of not listening to other points of view and of having a closed mind. I disagree. artsy116, I am offering a different point of view. One that most on this message board never get the opportunity to hear. I am sure that if I were to change my screen name that I would have more people to admit that they agree with me.

That brings me to defend my screen name again. I made this name to counter the closed minded bigots on this board. artsy116, I am sure that with your so called open mind that you agree with gam and this constant degrading of the Christian faith. I am not a religious person myself, but I am highly offended by his post. Not because of his homosexuality, but because he degrades the faith of people that he disagrees with. I am sure that this make him feel powerful.

I usually do not discuss religious issues. I feel that is a very personal to each and all people. I do not degrade the Christian faith. Nor do I degrade the Jewish faith. I try not to degrade the Islamic faith either, but, it is getting harder to do these days. But I do try.

As far as politics go what I say is protected speech. I try very hard to be accurate in my post. I also try to be informative on the issues. I may come across as being strong about my views. But, this is not something that I came about today. Most of the issues of today are the same as they were 20 years ago. My views have evolved over the years. They would not have changed if I were a closed minded bigot as I have been charged and convicted of here on this board.

I am sure that My views will continue to evolve as I get older. Most people are capable of growing and expanding their minds as we get older. I believe that we become wiser as we get older. By becoming wiser mean does that mean you have a closed mine?

You ask me WWJD? I discuss politics, not religion.


repost from last nights debate. I am so proud of this I want everyone to have the chance to read it. It was late last night when I posted and I am sure that most day people were soundly asleep in the bed. This should be a 3 star award in the Tennessean.

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artsy116, that was just one small example. I see it everyday in the MSM. It is a fact that 90% of the Washington Press Corp are liberals. Do you really believe that their reporting is unbiased? You can look at today's Tennessean and see the liberal bias. Notice that they will always label a "conservative" but never label something or someone as "liberal."

I wished that this wasn't true, but it is.

Who do you blame? Do you blame the MSM for their liberal bias or do you blame the gullible public for not being able to see the truth. Actually, I blame both. I really hate to say this but the American people are ignorant. They rely on the MSM for their information and then they repeat it word for word as gospel.

I have seen this time and time again at work and here on this message board. The people are nothing but parrots. Simple minded Americans who think they are informed. They only know what the MSM wants them to know. And they can only form their opinion based on this information.

The truth is out there. You can find it if you take time and search for it yourself. If you rely on the MSM for your knowledge.....well..... enough said.