Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Typical Politician

Will Phil Bredesen do the right thing and give the money back to the people that were overcharged? No, He will do the same as Chuck Noland did in the movie Cast Away. (Tom Hanks played Chuck Noland) Chuck was able to create fire by rubbing two sticks of wood together. After achieving his goal he stood up and pounded his chest and proclaimed: LOOK WHAT I HAVE CREATED.

This is what Phil Bredesen and other politicians always shout after spending our money. They spend our hard earned money on their pet projects and then proclaim: LOOK WHAT I HAVE CREATED.

Money that was created by our labor. Money that belongs in our pockets. Money that can help feed and house our family. Money that can put gas in our cars so we can go to work and pay our taxes so Phil Bredesen can proclaim: LOOK WHAT I HAVE CREATED.

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