Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Cycle of Welfare

Eliminate welfare, food stamps, and other forms of public assistance that is keeping this cycle of violence going.

I wrote an article and posted it in 1992....yes, 1992. Actually I have been surfing the net since 1989. Sit back, enjoy and learn something new in the process.

The Cycle of Violence and the Welfare System

Today, the taxpayers pay for a child to be born out of wedlock. Our sympathy dictates us to pay room and board to the mother of this child. We the taxpayers pay a living allowance called welfare and give food stamps to feed the little darlings. We pay for his/her head start program. A taxpayer funded program so the little darling will be at the same educational level as a taxpayers child when they start 1st grade. During school years we pay for their school supplies and we also pay for their breakfast and lunch while attending school. May I add that during school this will be the only hot meal that the child receives. Then at the age of 13 something miraculous happens. The son will commit a heinous crime against an innocent taxpayer. He will be locked up in the juvenile detention facility until the age of eighteen. Then he will be turned over to the adult prison system. The daughter will have a child out of wedlock and the cycle is complete. We the taxpayer get nothing in return for our investment.

When will the people learn and force the politicians that this destructive cycle has to be broken?

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