Saturday, June 02, 2007

Joe Wilson

Richard Armitage leaked the name of Valerie Plame to Bob Novak.


3 sought in Green Hills home invasion
Teen thought at first it was prank

Staff Writer

Natalie Crafton thought it was some kind of prank when three men in hooded sweatshirts forced their way into her family's Green Hills home before dawn Friday and ordered some of her friends to the floor at gunpoint.

"I said, 'Do I know you? If so, it's the dumbest thing I've ever had to deal with — quit screwing with me,' " recalled Crafton, 18.

But the look on one of the gunmen's faces convinced her they were serious.

"He gave me the look of death," Crafton said.

The intruders were there to rob Crafton and six of her friends who were hanging out at her family's home on Sugar Tree Road, located a few blocks west of The Mall at Green Hills, according to Metro police.

Mother says it's scary

Crafton's mother, Nanette, was out of town but agreed to allow her daughter to host a group of friends, all recent graduates of Hillsboro High School.

"It's scary to think we're that vulnerable," Nanette Crawford said Friday. "The (kids) weren't being loud. They weren't drinking and drunk. It wasn't an out-of-control party. They were just a group of kids. It's so unfair."

As of Friday afternoon, police had no leads into the 1:15 a.m. home-invasion robbery but believe the suspects targeted the home and the gathering of teenagers.

Police were searching for a black, two-door Pontiac Grand Prix. Police said there is no indication that any of the victims knew the attackers and no reason to believe the teens were breaking any laws.

In fact, the friends were about to watch the movie Mean Girls, when the robbers broke in, Crafton said.

The men stole Crafton's purse, containing $400 she'd received as graduation gifts. They also took everyone's wallets and cell phones.

"They took Mean Girls, too," Crafton said. "It was inside my purse."

Friday, June 01, 2007

LTE 06-01-07

President Bush given dictatorial power

To the Editor:

In case you missed it, here it is: If you need interpretation, ask anyone who knows anything at all about anything — they can tell you.

The directive President Bush signed into law on May 9: The president of the United States is granted virtual dictatorial powers in the event of a “national emergency” — which the order broadly describes as: “Any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions.”

Tip your hat to this Bush administration, they’ve covered it all.

Dixie Tanksley, Madison 37115

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Teachers work 180 days a year teaching...

They have 14 days of teachers conferences

that is 194 days a year...

The Average teachers salary is $37,431

194*8=1552 hours

That would be $24.24/hour

This also includes PAID LEAVE, (Sick, Paid days off).

The Average income in the private sector in TN $33,270 working 2196 hours (full time employment) or 15.16/hour

Teacher's pay is out of line with the private sector... BUT NOT THE WAY YOU ARE LEAD TO BELIEVE.

Actually you are incorrect because:

I based the Teachers Work Hours on an 8 hour day... Teachers only Work 6.5 hours a day... They have a 7.5 hours at school, with a 1 hour LUNCH BREAK.. So this means that they would have to take home 7.5 hours of work form School every week, or 1.5 hours every day for the $24.24/hour calculation to be incorrect...... Plus we would also have to subtract their Sick leave, and Personal Paid leave from that also.

I took the Salaries of the AVERAGE TN WAGE EARNER. and the AVERAGE TEACHER.


This overtime was included in the Average Workers salary, so actually Teachers earn MUCH MORE than $10/hour than the AVERAGE PRIVATE SECTOR WORKER in Tennessee..

So Who Deserves the Raise more... THE AVERAGE PRIVATE SECTOR WORKER


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Typical Politician

Will Phil Bredesen do the right thing and give the money back to the people that were overcharged? No, He will do the same as Chuck Noland did in the movie Cast Away. (Tom Hanks played Chuck Noland) Chuck was able to create fire by rubbing two sticks of wood together. After achieving his goal he stood up and pounded his chest and proclaimed: LOOK WHAT I HAVE CREATED.

This is what Phil Bredesen and other politicians always shout after spending our money. They spend our hard earned money on their pet projects and then proclaim: LOOK WHAT I HAVE CREATED.

Money that was created by our labor. Money that belongs in our pockets. Money that can help feed and house our family. Money that can put gas in our cars so we can go to work and pay our taxes so Phil Bredesen can proclaim: LOOK WHAT I HAVE CREATED.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Cycle of Welfare

Eliminate welfare, food stamps, and other forms of public assistance that is keeping this cycle of violence going.

I wrote an article and posted it in 1992....yes, 1992. Actually I have been surfing the net since 1989. Sit back, enjoy and learn something new in the process.

The Cycle of Violence and the Welfare System

Today, the taxpayers pay for a child to be born out of wedlock. Our sympathy dictates us to pay room and board to the mother of this child. We the taxpayers pay a living allowance called welfare and give food stamps to feed the little darlings. We pay for his/her head start program. A taxpayer funded program so the little darling will be at the same educational level as a taxpayers child when they start 1st grade. During school years we pay for their school supplies and we also pay for their breakfast and lunch while attending school. May I add that during school this will be the only hot meal that the child receives. Then at the age of 13 something miraculous happens. The son will commit a heinous crime against an innocent taxpayer. He will be locked up in the juvenile detention facility until the age of eighteen. Then he will be turned over to the adult prison system. The daughter will have a child out of wedlock and the cycle is complete. We the taxpayer get nothing in return for our investment.

When will the people learn and force the politicians that this destructive cycle has to be broken?

Accidental shooting by a DEA Agent.

I found this video many months ago. I was responding to someone at and posted it there. It shows an accidental shooting by a DEA agent. Very amusing.


I enjoy surfing the Internet for news and information. A while back I came across a site that is suppose to be ran by the Israeli Intelligence. Today there was a crawler that read: Bush signs security directive ordering contingency plans prepared for sup rise "decapitating" nuclear attack by terrorist on us capital.

I have search google and yahoo for information and to see if this headline has any merrit to it. I have not been able to confirm it at this time. If you are interested in reading DEBKA FILES click on the site.

UPDATE: I found some information by searching news site. The article is published by China's People's Daily Online. Headline: Bush orders contingency plans for attack on Washington

2nd UPDATE: The L.A.Times.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

What a day!

I had a discussion Tuesday evening with Hofnar at I answered him on Wednesday and had a fun exchange with CuriousAndrew. I got so tickled that I had to save this exchange. Sit back and relax.


This is a carry over from Tuesdays comment section.

Headlines: Americans don't buy Bush reasons to stay in Iraq

USA Today
May 9, 2007

STUDY: Insurgencies such as Iraq's often fail after 10 years

POLL RESULTS: Should we have sent troops to Iraq?

•If U.S. troops withdraw next year, 68% predict a civil war in Iraq, 66% the use of Iraq as an al-Qaeda base and 55% new terror attacks on the United States.

Question - If 68% of Americans today think that Iraq will be in a civil war if the US Troops withdraws next year, how many Americans agree with the MSM that Iraq is in a civil war today?

Hofnar, I was chatting with a co-worker two day ago and he agrees with your assessment of Iraq. He said that we can never win over there. So I probed his mind, knowing that he does not read the newspaper nor surf the Internet for his information. I was wondering if he got his news and information from Jon Daily or Steven Colbert. As I was asking questions he stated that he had watched Fahrenheit 9-11. I am not sure but I think that I said something that pissed him off after he said that. All I said is I can't believe that you would pay to watch propaganda when you can get it free from you evening news. My oh my, how some people just can't handle the truth.

we all know Iraq is all about the $$$ $$$, some people are just happy being sheep I guess... ...

Anyways... in response to the actual letter... here's a great idea: learn to put your d*mn junk in the garage and lock a door... otherwise quit complaining... you start believing that we all need to be on point after 9/11 (since I guess those terrorists needed your gas grill and gardening tools) but you leave your stuff sitting around outside... sorry for your loss, but welcome to the real world...

CuriousAndrew....."we all know Iraq is all about the $$$ $$$, some people are just happy being sheep I guess... ..."

I can see the happiness in your post.

I guess your right there Mr. Anti-x... Saddamm not only was the terrorist mastermind, but he funded everything... all of the terrorists came from Baghdad... he personally trained them all (in his off time from building nuclear weapons, and purchasing yellow cake from Africa)...

Oh wait!!!
1) It was Mr. Laden who we blamed for the attacks (religious nut v. secular dictators don't really go together there)
2) Even if I agreed that $$ went to terrorists, Saddamm has not funded anything close to what the U.S. government has... go research that one... we are terrorists to you know...
3) Most of the Terrorists came from Saudi Arabia - but wait, the Bush family has too many ties to that country, and they have their hand on the oil spicket, so better not implicate them...
4) While Iraq "could have" had nuclear weapons... we sat by over the years and watched Pakistan, India, and most recently, North Korea develop nuclear programs and ignored them - I guess there wasn't enough oil under their soil for us to care
5) We have found no proof of uranium enrichment facilities in opperation... the only wmds found were old dead chemical munitions from the Iran Iraq war (wait... a republican funded and supported Mr. Saddamm during that... ((and Osama/Talliban during Afghan-Russo war of 89))...))) but I guess we'll just ignore that...

Please go listen to some more Rush Limbaugh while indulging in political/ideological pornography provided by Fox News... and above all, please don't ever vote again...

If Osama did all this, why are we not even looking for him? Even Bush said it wasn't a priority any longer...

And I'll happilly be a sheep following the truth than a zealot who is just exactly what they are... just under a different flag and religion...

good thing this was a letter to the editor about their stuff being stolen (but I guess they tied in 9/11 anyways themselves)

- Andrew -

repost to CuriousAndrew

CuriousAndrew....."we all know Iraq is all about the $$$ $$$, some people are just happy being sheep I guess... ..."

I can see the happiness in your post.

You have just regurgitated everything that has been spoon fed to you by the MainStream Media. Thank you for proving my point.

CuriousAndrew...."4) While Iraq "could have" had nuclear weapons... we sat by over the years and watched Pakistan, India, and most recently, North Korea develop nuclear programs and ignored them - "

And who is "we" that sat by over the years? When did they acquire nuclear weapons or this technology? Didn't Jimmy Carter (D) receive a Noble Peace Prize for his accomplishments in stopping North Korea's research and development in nuclear weapons? Are you aware that Lybia also had a nuclear weapons program too? If not, why not? Could it be because this information does not fit into the MSM's agenda of keeping the sheep ignorant?

You know what? I give... no more of this... you are obviously my better, and my proven facts are obviously no match for your ignorance... I concede... How dare I think for myself and question the generally accepted status quo... ... everything is going wonderfully, thank god for blessing us with this great administration... I humbly and solemnly swear to follow premier Bush to the gates of hell... may his wisdom, morals, and integrity be a guiding light for the world to follow...

"mission accomplished"

CuriousAndrew..."You know what? I give... no more of this... you are obviously my better"

Finally something that we can agree upon.

"mission accomplished"

I would love to hang around for a while to type. but, to all of the member of THE ANTICHRIST's fan club, I have to go now.

It's been real and it's been fun. But, it hasn't been real fun.

"Goodbye everybody-Ive got to go-
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth"

THE TERMINATOR: I'll be back.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Mrs. Moechel, excellent letter. It appears that you are a full-fledged supporter of Tennessee Coalition to Abolish State Killing. As an American citizen you have every right to stand up for your beliefs. Having said that, you would be against the execution of Philip Workman if you would have witnessed the account first hand and sworn that he aimed and fired the weapon with malice, killing Ronald Oliver. You are against the death penalty under any and all circumstances. Therefore your account of the history of this case is flawed by your closed mindedness. Open your mind and the rest will follow.

The execution is scheduled because of the fact that Philip Workman used a firearm to commit a felony and a human life was taken from us because of his actions. In my opinion it doesn't matter if the fatal bullet came from Workman's gun, his actions are the reason that Officer Oliver died that rainy night of August 5, 1981 in Memphis. Philip Workman admits, morally speaking, he's not an innocent man - that he created the circumstances that led to the police officer's death.

I am a death penalty supporter. I feel that some crimes warrant the death penalty. I believe that if you commit a crime and a innocent human being loses their life because of your actions, then this should be a death penalty case. I try to be consistent in my thoughts and beliefs. I believe in law and order. I will give you order if you do not commit a crime against me. But, commit a crime against me and you will be out of order. It is just that simple.

As for the American Bar Association finding that Tennessee’s death penalty system is severely flawed, well, what else can you expect out of an organization of Shyster Lawyers. They are no different than prisoners and welfare recipients. They live off of the taxpayers. Their organization is the one that made the system severely flawed in the first place. They want an unlimited appeals process. The more frivolous appeals they can file the longer they don't have to earn a honest living.

Just an honest perspective from an honest American citizen.